Thursday, September 29, 2016

One of a Kind Pets

Yesterday I went to 'One of a Kind Pets' rescue.

The first thing I did was go into the office to use the volunteer sign in sheet.

Then I helped clean the cats rooms so people can come see the animals that are up for adoption can how clean the rooms are.

Then I got to go into the cat room and play with all the cats. There was a orange cat named Tony. Tony was very shy cat but once you hang out with him for a while he gets us to you and lets you pet him and he will sit on your lap for a little bit.

I will be going back to rescue to help clean and then if I have time play with the cats and dogs.

I need to take the dog orientation class to be able to walk the dogs.

I really enjoyed yesterday at 'One of a Kind Pets'.

The workers people are really nice and awesome.

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