Friday, February 23, 2018

Facts On Owls

1. There are two main types of owls: the most familiar owls, at least to residents of North America & Eurasia, are the true Owls.

2. Most owls are nocturnal hunters: Most owls have adapted to hunting at night.

3.the eyes of owls are fixed in their sockets: one of the most remarkable thing about owls is the way they move their entire heads when looking: at something, rather than simply moving their eyes in their sockets, like most other vertebrate animals.

4. You can tell a lot about an owl by its pellets: owls swallow their pray whole, without bitting or chewing. 

5. Female owls are lager than males: No one is quite sure why, on average, female owls tend to be slightly larger than their male counterparts.

6. Owls aren't as smart as you think: People think owls are smart the same reason they think all kids who wear glasses are smart: bigger- than- usual eyes convey the impression of high intelligence.

7. Owls may have coexisted with dinosaurs: owls coexisted with dinosaurs toward the end of the cretaceous period.

8.  Owls have extremely powerful Talons: One of the largest owls species, the five-pound great horned owl, can curl its talons with a force about 300 pound per square inch, roughly comparable to the stroungest human bite.

9. Owls don't make very good pets: Owls will only eat fresh food, meaning you have to maintain a constant supply of mice, gerbils, rabbits, and other small mammals; for another, the beaks & talons of owls a very sharp, so you'll also have to keep a ready stock of band-aids, and as if all that weren't enough, an owl can live for more than 30 years, so you'll be donning your industrial-strength gloves & flinging gerbils into its cage well into late middle age. 

10. Owls have had outside impact on human culture: The Greeks chose owls to represent Athena, the goddess of wisdom, But romans were terrified of this bird, considering it a beard of ill omens.

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