Sunday, July 22, 2018

J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling is the person who made the Harry Potter Books.

1. Her first Harry Potter manuscript was rejected by 12 publishers before Bloomsbury picked it up

2. But, her publisher did suggest she not use her real name- Joanne Rowling - for her books , because they didn't believe boys would want to read a fantasy book about a boy wizard by a woman.

3. The "K" in "j.K." is the initial of her grandmother's name- Kathleen Rowling had no middle names of her own.

4. In 1993, she pent Christmas in Edinburgh with her sister & her young daughter Jessica. She stayed for a few months & received welfare benefits while she finished Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone.

5. A voracious reader from an early age, Rowling said she based the character of Hermione Grander on her 11-year-old-self.

6. She used to write books for her family's entertainment, and planned her first one at age six,titled rabbit.

7. She's a big fan of block-building video game Mine craft which ,she plays wit her son David.

8. During her late twenties following a failed marriage struggling as an unemployed single mom,Rowling went though a period of clinical depression. Her experience with this later inspired her descriptions of the soul-stealing Dementors introduced in her third Harry Potter book. 

9. Her net worth is estimated to be around $1 billion , in 2004 , Forbes magazine declared her the first person to become a u.s. dollar billionaire primarily though book writing.

10. Rowling parents actually met on a from King's cross station , Potter Fans will Recognize.


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