Monday, July 23, 2018

Cesar Miilan

1: The career before the dog whisperer series: Millan established dog psychology center in south Los Angeles. There were several of dog rehabilitated by Millan before he worked on the dog whisperer series.

2: Dog psychology center: Dog psychology center was located in south Los Angeles in 2002 until 2008. Then he moved the center into Santa Clarita, California in 2009.

3: A clinic there is an east coast clinic established by Millan. The location is near front Lavatorial in Davie Florida at country Inn Pet Resort.

4: New York times Best sellers Millan is also a wonderful writer: Do you know that New York Times stated that the first three book of Millan were all best sellers . They were sold in more than 14 countries in the world. In United states the book were sold for more than 2 million copies.

5: Cesar's way: Cesar's ways is not only a name of his book. He worked with IMG in 2009. More than 50 percent of the American customers recognized him based on the report of the wall street Journal.

6: Millan Foundation: Millan Foundation was established by Cesar Millan &his ex wife Melissa Millan . Then it was called Cesar Millan Foundation. 

7: A children's curriculum Millan also cooperated with Yale university . Both worked together to established , curriculum children 

8: The purpose of his work: He wants to present a balanced relationship of canines & humans being by training people & rehabilitating the dogs.

9: The dog boy: When he was young , Millan was called the dog boy due to his natural way with the dog. 

10:The first job: Millan worked at a dog grooming store as his first job in u.s. Do you know that one of Millan's first clients was Jada Pickett Smith?

Anne Frank

Q: Why is Anne Frank a hero?

A: Anne Frank is one of the most prominent figures of the holocaust, famous for recording the daily life of a Jewish family hiding from the Nazis.  The dairy she kept as she was hiding from Nazis is one of the best-known sources about Nazi Germany as well as a vivid record of her spirit and courage and dangers and suffering.

Q: What were the major accomplishment of Anne Frank? 

A:  Anne Frank's major accomplishment was writing her dairy, which she kept for more than two years while she and her family were hiding from the Nazis during world war 2.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling is the person who made the Harry Potter Books.

1. Her first Harry Potter manuscript was rejected by 12 publishers before Bloomsbury picked it up

2. But, her publisher did suggest she not use her real name- Joanne Rowling - for her books , because they didn't believe boys would want to read a fantasy book about a boy wizard by a woman.

3. The "K" in "j.K." is the initial of her grandmother's name- Kathleen Rowling had no middle names of her own.

4. In 1993, she pent Christmas in Edinburgh with her sister & her young daughter Jessica. She stayed for a few months & received welfare benefits while she finished Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone.

5. A voracious reader from an early age, Rowling said she based the character of Hermione Grander on her 11-year-old-self.

6. She used to write books for her family's entertainment, and planned her first one at age six,titled rabbit.

7. She's a big fan of block-building video game Mine craft which ,she plays wit her son David.

8. During her late twenties following a failed marriage struggling as an unemployed single mom,Rowling went though a period of clinical depression. Her experience with this later inspired her descriptions of the soul-stealing Dementors introduced in her third Harry Potter book. 

9. Her net worth is estimated to be around $1 billion , in 2004 , Forbes magazine declared her the first person to become a u.s. dollar billionaire primarily though book writing.

10. Rowling parents actually met on a from King's cross station , Potter Fans will Recognize.


Sunday, February 25, 2018

Amelia Earhart

1. Born: Amelia Mary Earhart July 24,1897Atchison, Kansas, u.s.

2. Disappeared: July 2, 1937 (age 39) pacific ocean, route to holland island from Lae, papua new Guinea

3. status: Declare dead in abet January 5, 1939 ( aged 41)

4. Nationality: American

5. Known for: Many early aviation records, including first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic ocean

6. Spouse: George P. Putnam

Martin Luther King Jr.

1. Born: January 15, 1929, Atlanta, GA

2. Assassinated: April 4, 1968, Memphis, TN

3. Famous speech: I have a Dream

4. Children: Martin Luther King 3, Yolanda King, Dexter Scott King

5.  Martin Luther King  was an american Baptist minister & activist who became the most visible spokesman & leader in the civil rights movement from 1954 though 1968.

6. Quotes: Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

If you can't fly than run, If you can,t run than walk, If you can't walk than crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.


1. Amy Poehler -Aka Leslie

2. born: september 16,1971 (age 46) Newton, MA

3. Height: 5' 2" 

4. Spouse: Will Arnett (m. 2033-2016)

5. Children: Adel, Arnett, Archie, Armett

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Jackson Galaxy

1. Jackson Galaxy was born: April 28,1966 (age 51) upper west side, New York City, New York.

2. Full Name: Richard Kirscher

3. Spouse: Minoo Rahbar (m, 2014)

4. Marriage Location: Kanab, UT

5. Books: Cat Daddy (2012) ,Total cat Mojo: Everything (2017), Cat

6. Jackson Galaxy changed is name from Richard Kirscher  to Jackson Galaxy legally when he was in is twenties.

Neil Degrasse Tyson

1. He chatted with superman.  Neil Degrasse Tyson went even further & had superman use the power all telescopes on Earth to view the explosion of krypton, which had occurred 27 years earlier on Earth due to the speed of light & other laws of the universe.

2. He was recruited by legendary Carl Sagan in high school. When Tyson was accepted to Cornell, he received a letter from none other than Carl Sagan, who was a faculty member at the time.

3. He once considered becoming an exotic dancer. I'm Embarrassed to say that it wasn't until that moment when I said to myself; maybe I should be a math tutor.

4. He got the night sky changed in the rerelease of 1997's Titanic. Tyson wrote director James Cameron a letter to tell him the sky was not depicted accurately in the blockbuster film & that starts were not correctly aligned onscreen.

5. He was voted the sexiest Astrophysicist Alive? He's off the market ladies & gentleman, but that doesn't mean you can't admire him from afar.

Friday, February 23, 2018

leopard seal facts

1. This seals are always smelling: you might think the obvious identifying feature of the leopard seal is its black- spotted coat.

2. Seal are carnivores: The leopard seal will eat just about any other animals.

3.  One seal tried to feed a photographer: Leopard seals are known to attack the black pontoons of inflatable boats, posing an indirect risk to people.

4.They may play with their food: Leopard seals are known to play" cat &mouse" with pray typically with young seals or penguins. 

5. Leopard seals sing underwater: Durning the austral summer, male leopard seals sing (loudly) underwater for hours each day.

6. Leopard seals are solitary: While some kinds of seals live in groups, the leopard seal is solitary.

7. The leopard seals not Endangered: According to National oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientists once believed there may be over 200,000 leopard seals.

Facts On Owls

1. There are two main types of owls: the most familiar owls, at least to residents of North America & Eurasia, are the true Owls.

2. Most owls are nocturnal hunters: Most owls have adapted to hunting at night.

3.the eyes of owls are fixed in their sockets: one of the most remarkable thing about owls is the way they move their entire heads when looking: at something, rather than simply moving their eyes in their sockets, like most other vertebrate animals.

4. You can tell a lot about an owl by its pellets: owls swallow their pray whole, without bitting or chewing. 

5. Female owls are lager than males: No one is quite sure why, on average, female owls tend to be slightly larger than their male counterparts.

6. Owls aren't as smart as you think: People think owls are smart the same reason they think all kids who wear glasses are smart: bigger- than- usual eyes convey the impression of high intelligence.

7. Owls may have coexisted with dinosaurs: owls coexisted with dinosaurs toward the end of the cretaceous period.

8.  Owls have extremely powerful Talons: One of the largest owls species, the five-pound great horned owl, can curl its talons with a force about 300 pound per square inch, roughly comparable to the stroungest human bite.

9. Owls don't make very good pets: Owls will only eat fresh food, meaning you have to maintain a constant supply of mice, gerbils, rabbits, and other small mammals; for another, the beaks & talons of owls a very sharp, so you'll also have to keep a ready stock of band-aids, and as if all that weren't enough, an owl can live for more than 30 years, so you'll be donning your industrial-strength gloves & flinging gerbils into its cage well into late middle age. 

10. Owls have had outside impact on human culture: The Greeks chose owls to represent Athena, the goddess of wisdom, But romans were terrified of this bird, considering it a beard of ill omens.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Llama Facts:

1. life span of a llama is about 15 to 29 years,
2 weight of llama is 200 to 450 pounds.
3 the height of llamas; 36" to 47" at the shoulder  and 5' to 6'. 5" at the head.
4 average gestation; 350 days (11.5 months).
5 color: A llama may be solid , spotted, or marked in a wide variety of pattens, with wool colors from white to black & many shades of gray, beige, brown, red & roan in between.
6. Reproduction , birth & babies: Females are bred at 16 to 24 months of age'. Llamas do not have heat cycle; they are induced ovulates (ovulation occurring 24 to 36 hours after breeding. Llamas can be breed at any time of the year. A single baby ("Cria") is usually delivered from a standing mother, the llama owners. Twinning is a rare occurrence. Normal birth weights are between 20 to 35 pounds, & the cria usually stands & nurses within 90 minutes.

Porcupine Facts:

1. The North American porcupine is the only species that live in the U.S. & Canada , is the largest of all porcupines. Porcupines live in the deciduous & coniferous forests of North America & Canada. Porcupine found in North America & South America are good climbres & spend much of their times in trees.

2. When not in trees of feeding, porcupine prefer the protection of a den. Dens can be found in rock crevices, caves, hollow logs, abandoned mines, & even under houses & barns. When porcupines are on the ground, they shuffle & waddle along. 

3. They are short, fat, & covered with as many as 30,000 spiny quills. All the porcupines have quills. Africa's crested porcupine has quills that are nearly a foot long (30 cm). Porcupines have soft hair, but will the back , sides , & tail it is usually mixed with sharp quills. The quills lie flat, but will spring up if the porcupine is threatened.

4. The porcupine cannot shoot its quills at a predator, but the quills will detach from the porcupines relatively easily. An animal that attacks a porcupine will usually end up with a face full of quills.

5. Quills have sharp tips & overlap scales or bards that make them difficult to remove once they are stuck in another animals skin. Porcupines grow new quills to replace the ones they lose.

6. From the tip of the nose to the end of the tail, a porcupine can be from 33 to 46 inches (80 to 115 cm) long. They can weigh from 12 to 35 LBS (5 to 16 kg).

7. Porcupine makes shrill screeches,whines, & low grunts to communicate.

8. Porcupine are nocturnal , which means they are active primarily at nigh

9. In the wild, porcupine live from 5 to 7 years, but some have been known to live as long as 18 years.

10. The porcupine lives on plants, shrubs, leaves, dandelions, clover,grasses & wildflowers. They eat natural bark & stems, & have been know to chew on canoe paddles. 

11. North American porcupines also eat fruit, & springtime buds, porcupines can swim, so pond weeds, water lilies, & arrowhead are all part of the summer diet. Their favorite trees are hemlock.
 12. North American porcupines use their large front teeth to satisfy this healthy appetite for wood. Porcupines are attracted by salt & may chew on any too handler that has sale left from human sweat.
13. Females maintain a territory where they live , & will defend it against other females: however make territories or dominate male rarely , `overlap those of the severales breeding occurs in October & November.
 14. Porcupines will carry their babies about 210 days before they give birth. When the female gives birth it is to one baby. The mother will nurse her young for about 4 months. The baby will begin living independently at the age of 5 months. Baby porcupines are called" Porcupettes".
15. In spite of this prickly suit of armor, there are some animals that prey on porcupines. The fisher is the most formidable predator, but great horned owls, coyotes, bobcats, mountain lions,  & Wolves will make a meal out of the porcupines if there's an opportunity.