Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Hippopotamus facts

1. Hippo's can't swim or float! They walk or stand on surface  below the water like sandbanks. Even so, they spend most of the day in water to protect the sensitive skin from the sun.

2. The secrete an oily red substance that acts as a moisturizer , sunblock & protects them from germs. This also makes them look like they are sweating blood. 

3. Although hippo's can hold their breathe for approximately seven minutes; most adult hippo's resurfaces every three to five minutes to breathe. This is an automatic pro less even sleeping hippo surface to breathe without waking.
4. Hippo's can close their nostrils &ears to prevent  water from entering. This is way hippo calves can suckle on land or wander water.

5. An open mouth is not a yarn but rather assign to warn you off .You will only see hippo  'yawning ' while in the water because the are only territorial while in the water. You will also hear' honking '& 'grunting ' which how they mark their territory.

6. A hippo's can live for up to 40 years.

7. Hippo's usually come out of the water for four to five hours at night graze & can cover up to 10 km in this time their diet consists of grass & their graze using muscular lips.

8. The hippo 's is considered one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. & it is highly aggressive .Arfticularly. it you get between it & the water. Their canine teeth ( sharp teeth) are used for fighting. 

9. The hippo's closet living relatives are whales & Porpoises.

10. The Hippopotamus is the thrid largest land mammal after the elephant & White rhino.

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