Friday, August 25, 2017

Tortoises factsFact

Fact 1.  The shell of tortoises is prepared from 60 different bones that are all connected to each

Fact 2. The top part of the shell is called the carapace & the shell is called the plaston. The carapace& the underside are connected by a bridge. Tortoises retract their limbs into their shell to protect themselves from predators.

Fact 3. They have strong horny mouths & no teeth. Tortoises do not have flippers & live entirely above water. They have good eyesight & Excellent sense of smell.

Fact 4. Tortoises are cold-blooded & generally diurnal. They drew heat from the environment to get warm & walk on land with their round & stumpy feet. 

Fact 5. They have the same lifespan as humans & some tortoises can live from 90- 150 years.

Fact 6. Tortoises are herbivores & eat mainly grass, ferns,fruits, flowers & tree leaves.

Fact 7. The female is generally larger than the male in most of the species. Females dig nesting burrows in which to lay 1-30 eggs.

Fact 8. A Tortoises has four legs & a shell that is joined the sides. The tails of the male tortoises are longer than of the female tortoises.

Fact  9. They store their sperm & produce fertile eggs. Three years after the last mating fem ales lay 2-12 eggs in deep holes & leave. They hatching takes 90 -120 days to incubate.

Fact 10. Tortoises hibernate darning winter moths & go through a period of starvation to empty their stomachs before hibernating. 

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