Sunday, August 13, 2017

Koala Facts

1. Koalas  found in the eucalyptus forests of eastern Australia. They  have grey fur with a cream-coloured chest, & strong, clawed feet, perfect for living in the branches of trees.

2. Cuddly critters, Koalas measure about 60 cm to 85 cm long & weigh about 14 kg.

3. Although you may have heard people call them koalas bears; these awesome animals aren't bears at all-they are in fact marsupials. A group of mammals , most marsupials have pouches where their newborns develop.

4.  When an infant koala-called a joey-is born, it immediately climbs up to its mother's pouch blind & ear less, a joey uses its strong sense of touch & smell, as well as natural instinct, to find its way.

5. A joey grows & develope in the pouch for about six months.  once strong enough , the youngster rides around its mother's back for a futher six months, only using the pouch to feed.

6. koala grow up to become big eaters, shifting up to one kilogram of eucalyptus leaves in a day! They are fussy too, & will select the most nutritious & Tastiest leaves & from the trees where they live.

7, These magnificent mammals get their name form an Aboriginal term meaning,: No drink: it's believed this is because koalas get almost al their moisture from the leaves they eat & rarely drink water.

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