Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Kangaroo facts

 1. The red kangaroo is the largest kangaroo & is as tall as your dad. There are also tiny kangaroo small enough to fit it your hand. Over 50 kangaroo species live in Australia.

2. Some kangaroos climb & live in forests , woodlands & field kangaroos can even be found in suburban yards parks & on golf courses,

3. Kangaroo mothers are called :does" they usually have one baby at a time. The babies called a :joey" are tiny when they are born. they crawl in mom's pouch & stay there for up to 13 months.

4. Kangaroos live in groups of mobs. They communicate with each other by hissing, punching or growling sometimes they groom each other.

5. Kangaroos live 5 to 7 years in the wild.

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