Sunday, November 26, 2017

baboon animals facts

Baboon Facts:e
 Fact 1. Baboons are aggressive & harm domestic animals & people & appearance suggests that they are mean primates.

Fact 2. They do not have tails that grip to climb so they spend more time on the ground.

Fact 3. The natural habitat of a baboon generally includes arid areas, forests, steppes savannas.

Fact 4: They live for about 30 years. Their diet consists of leaves, barks & sap from plants though they also eat small amounts of fish, shellfish, hares, birds, fervent monkeys & Small antelopes.

Fact 5: The female baboon is half the size of the male.

Fact 6. The collective name for a group of baboon is troop, cartload, flange or congress.

Fact 7: Their bottoms have very thick  padding which allows them to sit comfortable on them.

Fact 8: Males groom the females, vocalize with them, touch them & supply them food when they wish to mate with them. The gestation period, around 6 months. They give birth to one infant & hold them with one hand & carry them next to their stomachs when they travel.

Fact 9: Baboons vocalize using 30 different ways which includes screams, grunts & Barks. They also smack their lips, shrug their shoulders & yawn.

Fact 10: Baboons socialize together in groups of about 50 individuals. The females constitute double the number of males.

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