Monday, November 27, 2017

coral facts:

1. Sovereignty: According to the u.s state department the coral sea & it's islands, fall under the sovereignty of Australia
2. Size: The coral sea covers one million square kilometers four times the size of Great Britain.
3. Name Convention: The coral sea got its name from its coral content. Coral actually consists of small animals called polyps, which are related to sea anemones. Each coral until forms a hard shell of limestone for protection. Coral polyps divide & create coral reefs.
4. The Great Barrier Reef: The Great Barrier Reef, a part of the coral sea just off Australia's northeastern Queensland coast is the world's largest coral reef. The reef  is one of the seven natural wonders of the world,can be seen than the Great Wall of china.
5. Marine Life: The coral sea contains some of the most diverse & thriving marine life in the world, fish found in the coral sea include tuna, hammerhead sharks, grey tip sharks, white tip sharks, barracuda, turtles, whales & manta rays.
6. Swimming in the coral sea: Swimming in the coral sea comes with its own particular hazards: man-eating sharks & rough coral that sometimes have stingers. When swimming in the coral sea, make sure to wear a wet suite & neoprene gloves to avoid cuts & always watch for sharks.
7. Coral Sea Island: The coral sea Island are a series of island in the coral sea, located off the northeastern coast of Australia. Together,they comprise an area of less than three square kilometers , 
but they contain a number of small island & coral reefs.
8. Uniqueness of the coral sea: The coral sea is unique among marine biology. Around the wormed coral reefs are bring destroyed five times faster than rain forest & coral reef marine life is disappearing at a rate of 90 percent in some places. According to Australia's chapter of the world wildfire federation , the coral sea has, as of march 2011, not fallen victim to industry, pollution & marine traffic that is destroying coral reefs in other oceans.
9. Coral sea preservation: In 2007 , the world wildfire federation proposed a plan to protect 300,000 square miles of coral sea, tripling the size of the Great Barrier Reef marine park. The coral sea & the Great Barrier Reef comprise of the world's last untouched marine regions.
10. Battle of coral sea: The battle of coral sea, which took place between may 7 & 8 ,1942, was one of the important aircraft carrier battle of world war two's pacific arena.  Allied carries were diverted to the coral sea, were the Japanese fleet was attempting to capture port Moresby on new Guinea's southeastern coast , several Japanese aircraft carries were bombed, contributing to massive Japanese defeat at midway.

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