Sunday, November 26, 2017


1.  Most penguins live near the sea, but migrate inland to have babies.
2. The male Adelies Penguins give females rocks & gifts.
3. Male & female penguins takes turns sitting on the egg & taking care of the babies.
4. Male emperor penguins gather together during the winter to protect the eggs. They place the eggs on their feet & huddle over them to keep them warm. They sit in one place for over two months until the eggs hatch. Then the females return to take care of the hatchlings.
5. penguins eat krill or fish. those that eat krill have pink poop. Fish eaters have white poop.
6. Penguins are excellent swimmers, but they can't fly.
7. how big are penguins, Emperor penguins are the biggest penguins. They are 4 feet tall & can weigh 65 pounds.that's as big as the average third penguins weigh only 5 pounds & stand 21 inches tall.
8. Are penguins endangered? Yes, penguin populations have decreased by as much as 80 percent in some areas. Scientists believe climate changes have caused the decrease. Leopard seals & Killer whales prey on penguins.

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