Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Hyena Facts:

1. Hyenas vary in size, Largest are spotted hyenas with 35 inches in height & 90 pounds in weight. smallest are aardwolves with 20 inches in height & 60 pounds in weight.

2. Females are larger & more dominate than males.

3. Hyenas live in territorial & large clans that can consist of up to 80 members. Aardwolves  are solitary animals that gather only during mating season.

4. They are both hunters & scavengers (they eat carrion's).

5. Aardwolf eats termites.

6. They are nocturnal animals. ( hunt at night).

7. Hyenas mark their territory with white droppings produced in the anal gland. This substance has a strong small &it informs other hyenas are territory is already occupied.

8. Hyenas use various sounds, postures & signals to communicate with each other.

9. One of the most characteristic sounds that hyenas produce is laughter. This sound alerts othe hyenas that new source is located.
 meat as 
10. Worst enemies of hyenas are lions & hunting dogs. Hyenas 
are cannibals. They attack & eat other hyenas especially when they are young!

11. Male & female hyenas look alike & have very similar genitals . but they are not hermaphrodites ( animals that may act both as males & as females at the same time). Only female hyena gives birth & takes care of her cubs.

12. After mating season, it takes 90 -110 days for babies to be born. One female gets 2-4 cubs & she takes care of them in the "natal den" ( special den reserved only mother with cubs) for 4 weeks.

13. Cubs fight with each other to establish & achieve best feeding position or desired order of feeding this might end up fatally.

14. Mother feeds cubs with milk 12-18 month, but they will start eating meat as soon as they reach 5th month.

15. Hyenas live 10-12 years in the wild & up to 25 years in captivity.

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