Wednesday, November 29, 2017


1. There are over 1,000 kinds of geckos divide into two species. One has eyes that can't blink. The other type has eyelids &can blink just like you.

2. Scientists can tell by a gecko's pupils if it is diurnal or nocturnal. Diurnal the day, have round pupils. Nocturnal geckos have vertical pupils, like a Cat's.

3. Geckos have millions of tiny, bristly hairs on their feet. These hairs let them to stick to surfaces like a well or ceiling. they're a little Velcro.

4. Geckos have excellent eyesight.

5. Geckos are insectivores. that means they eat! They love worms, meal worms, crickets& grasshoppers.

6. If you shine a flashlight in a gecko's ear , the light well come out the other ear. Cool, don't you think?

7. Geckos make chirping sounds to communicate.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Hyena Facts:

1. Hyenas vary in size, Largest are spotted hyenas with 35 inches in height & 90 pounds in weight. smallest are aardwolves with 20 inches in height & 60 pounds in weight.

2. Females are larger & more dominate than males.

3. Hyenas live in territorial & large clans that can consist of up to 80 members. Aardwolves  are solitary animals that gather only during mating season.

4. They are both hunters & scavengers (they eat carrion's).

5. Aardwolf eats termites.

6. They are nocturnal animals. ( hunt at night).

7. Hyenas mark their territory with white droppings produced in the anal gland. This substance has a strong small &it informs other hyenas are territory is already occupied.

8. Hyenas use various sounds, postures & signals to communicate with each other.

9. One of the most characteristic sounds that hyenas produce is laughter. This sound alerts othe hyenas that new source is located.
 meat as 
10. Worst enemies of hyenas are lions & hunting dogs. Hyenas 
are cannibals. They attack & eat other hyenas especially when they are young!

11. Male & female hyenas look alike & have very similar genitals . but they are not hermaphrodites ( animals that may act both as males & as females at the same time). Only female hyena gives birth & takes care of her cubs.

12. After mating season, it takes 90 -110 days for babies to be born. One female gets 2-4 cubs & she takes care of them in the "natal den" ( special den reserved only mother with cubs) for 4 weeks.

13. Cubs fight with each other to establish & achieve best feeding position or desired order of feeding this might end up fatally.

14. Mother feeds cubs with milk 12-18 month, but they will start eating meat as soon as they reach 5th month.

15. Hyenas live 10-12 years in the wild & up to 25 years in captivity.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Fox facts:

1.) A group of foxes is called a skulk or leash.

2.) Foxes have whiskers on their legs & face, which help them to navigate.

3.) Grey foxes can retract their claws like cats do.

4.) A male is called a 'dog fox' while the female is called a ' vixen' !

5.) Foxes are generally solitary animals; unlike wolves, they hunt on their own rather than in packs.

6.) Foxes dig underground dens where they take care of their kits & hide from predators.

7.) Their pupils are vertical, similar to a cat, helping them to see well at night.

8. ) The tip of a red foxes tail is white, where as swift foxes have a black- tipped tail.

9.) Foxes have excellent hearing . Red foxes can reportedly hear a watch ticking 40 yards away!

10.) Foxes stink , their funny 'musky' smell comes from scent glands at the bass of their tail.

coral facts:

1. Sovereignty: According to the u.s state department the coral sea & it's islands, fall under the sovereignty of Australia
2. Size: The coral sea covers one million square kilometers four times the size of Great Britain.
3. Name Convention: The coral sea got its name from its coral content. Coral actually consists of small animals called polyps, which are related to sea anemones. Each coral until forms a hard shell of limestone for protection. Coral polyps divide & create coral reefs.
4. The Great Barrier Reef: The Great Barrier Reef, a part of the coral sea just off Australia's northeastern Queensland coast is the world's largest coral reef. The reef  is one of the seven natural wonders of the world,can be seen than the Great Wall of china.
5. Marine Life: The coral sea contains some of the most diverse & thriving marine life in the world, fish found in the coral sea include tuna, hammerhead sharks, grey tip sharks, white tip sharks, barracuda, turtles, whales & manta rays.
6. Swimming in the coral sea: Swimming in the coral sea comes with its own particular hazards: man-eating sharks & rough coral that sometimes have stingers. When swimming in the coral sea, make sure to wear a wet suite & neoprene gloves to avoid cuts & always watch for sharks.
7. Coral Sea Island: The coral sea Island are a series of island in the coral sea, located off the northeastern coast of Australia. Together,they comprise an area of less than three square kilometers , 
but they contain a number of small island & coral reefs.
8. Uniqueness of the coral sea: The coral sea is unique among marine biology. Around the wormed coral reefs are bring destroyed five times faster than rain forest & coral reef marine life is disappearing at a rate of 90 percent in some places. According to Australia's chapter of the world wildfire federation , the coral sea has, as of march 2011, not fallen victim to industry, pollution & marine traffic that is destroying coral reefs in other oceans.
9. Coral sea preservation: In 2007 , the world wildfire federation proposed a plan to protect 300,000 square miles of coral sea, tripling the size of the Great Barrier Reef marine park. The coral sea & the Great Barrier Reef comprise of the world's last untouched marine regions.
10. Battle of coral sea: The battle of coral sea, which took place between may 7 & 8 ,1942, was one of the important aircraft carrier battle of world war two's pacific arena.  Allied carries were diverted to the coral sea, were the Japanese fleet was attempting to capture port Moresby on new Guinea's southeastern coast , several Japanese aircraft carries were bombed, contributing to massive Japanese defeat at midway.

Beaver Fact:

1. There are two species of beaver. The European or Eurasian beaver (Casr colonies tor fiber) & the North American beaver (Castor Canadensis) .

2. Beavers are the second largest rodent in the world after the Capybara.

3. The beaver is mainly a nocturnal animal.

4. The large front teeth of the beaver never stop growing. The beaver constant gnawing on wood helps to keep their teeth from growing to long.

5. Together beaver colonies create dams of wood & mud to provide still, deep water in order to protect against predators such as wolves, coyotes, bears & eagles & also they can float food & building material to their homes.

6. Once the dams are completed & ponds formed beavers will work on building (5 their homes called lodges in the middle. The dome shaped lodges , like the dams, are constructeers d with branches & mud, lodges have underwater entrances making entry tough for most other animals.

7. There are usually two dens within the lodge, one is for drying off after entering from the water & another ,drier one, is where the family of up to four adults & six to eight young live.

8. There were once more than 60 million North American beaver. But  "As to hunting for its fur , its glands for medicine & because the beavers tree-felling & dams affect other lands uses, the population has decline to around 12 million.

9. The beaver has a good senses of , hearing, smell & touch.It has poor eyesight but does have a set of transparent eyelids which allow them to see under water.

11. Beavers are herbivores. They like to eat the wood of trees. Such as the aspen,cottonwood, willow, birch, maple, cherry & also eat pond weed & water lillies.

12. Adult beavers are round 3 feet long & have been known to weigh over 25 kg (5.5 lb). Females are as larger than males of the same age.

13. Beavers can live up to 24 years in the wild.

14. The beaver is the national animal of Canada, & features on the Canadian five-cent piece.

15. Beavers like to keep themselves busy they are prolific builders during the night. Hence the  The saying "As busy as a beaver".

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Aardvark Facts:

Aardvark's lives throughout Africa, South of the Sahara. Their names comes from south Africa's Afrikaans language & means "earth pig" A glimpse of the aardvark's body & long snout brings the pig.

Type: Mammals

Diet: Omnivore

Average live span in the wild: 23 years

Size : Head & body 43 to 53 in (109 to 135 cm) Tail, 21 to 26 in (53 to 66 cm)

Weight 110 to 180 lbs (50 to 82 kg )

Did you know? An Aardvark's tongue can be up to 12 in (30.5 cm) long & is sticky to help extract termites from the earthen mounds.

baboon animals facts

Baboon Facts:e
 Fact 1. Baboons are aggressive & harm domestic animals & people & appearance suggests that they are mean primates.

Fact 2. They do not have tails that grip to climb so they spend more time on the ground.

Fact 3. The natural habitat of a baboon generally includes arid areas, forests, steppes savannas.

Fact 4: They live for about 30 years. Their diet consists of leaves, barks & sap from plants though they also eat small amounts of fish, shellfish, hares, birds, fervent monkeys & Small antelopes.

Fact 5: The female baboon is half the size of the male.

Fact 6. The collective name for a group of baboon is troop, cartload, flange or congress.

Fact 7: Their bottoms have very thick  padding which allows them to sit comfortable on them.

Fact 8: Males groom the females, vocalize with them, touch them & supply them food when they wish to mate with them. The gestation period, around 6 months. They give birth to one infant & hold them with one hand & carry them next to their stomachs when they travel.

Fact 9: Baboons vocalize using 30 different ways which includes screams, grunts & Barks. They also smack their lips, shrug their shoulders & yawn.

Fact 10: Baboons socialize together in groups of about 50 individuals. The females constitute double the number of males.


1.  Most penguins live near the sea, but migrate inland to have babies.
2. The male Adelies Penguins give females rocks & gifts.
3. Male & female penguins takes turns sitting on the egg & taking care of the babies.
4. Male emperor penguins gather together during the winter to protect the eggs. They place the eggs on their feet & huddle over them to keep them warm. They sit in one place for over two months until the eggs hatch. Then the females return to take care of the hatchlings.
5. penguins eat krill or fish. those that eat krill have pink poop. Fish eaters have white poop.
6. Penguins are excellent swimmers, but they can't fly.
7. how big are penguins, Emperor penguins are the biggest penguins. They are 4 feet tall & can weigh 65 pounds.that's as big as the average third penguins weigh only 5 pounds & stand 21 inches tall.
8. Are penguins endangered? Yes, penguin populations have decreased by as much as 80 percent in some areas. Scientists believe climate changes have caused the decrease. Leopard seals & Killer whales prey on penguins.

bats facts


1. Bats can live more than 30 years & can fly at speeds of up to 60 mph.
2. Bats can find their food in total darkness. they locate insects by emitting inaudible high-pitched sounds 10-20 beeps per second & interning to echoes.
3. many bats eat insects , bats can eat up to 1,200 mosquitoes in an hour & often consume their body weight in insects every night helping keep bug pollution in check. other bats eat fruit or nectar & can play important role as pollinators there are only three species of "vampire bats". bats that live off the blood of animals none of those species lives in the united states.
4. More than of the of the bat species in the united states are severe decline or list as endangered in addition to loss of habitat one of the most dire threat come from white nose syndrome, a disease that had decimated bats in the U.S. & Canada.
5. some bats migrate south for the winter , while others hibernate through the cold winter months during hibernation , bats can survive in freezing temperatures , even after being encased in ice.
6. most bats have only on pup a year, making them extremely vulnerable to extinction bat mothers can find their babies among of other thousands of millions of other bats by their unique voices & scents.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Shrimp facts

1. There are thousands of shrimp species around the world. there are over 2,000 different shrimp species spread out all over the world & every know marine niche, from the topics to the antarctic ocean. The most common species found in our region are the Gulf brown shrimp, Gulf pink shrimp & Gulf white shrimp.
2. Size varies considerably by species. Shrimp aren't always so well, "shrimper while small shrimp are usually around 1/2 an  Inch in length (from head to tail), some varieties can grow to be 12 inches or longer, The tiger shrimp, an invasive species in the Gulf, can grow to be roughly the length of an adults forearm & has more tail meat than the average lobster.
3. shrimp are excellent swimmers. One of the fun facts about shrimp that you might not know is that these arthropods are actually quite good at swimming. They can propel themselves backwards quickly by flexing the muscles of their abdomen & tail, or swim forward more slowly using temporarily stun their prey.
4. Some shrimp can loudly snap their pincers. The ocean may look peaceful, but it can get pretty noise below the surface when there are snapping shrimp around. make a snapping sound that is louder than any other marine noise by hitting their large & small pincers together, It's believed they do this to communicate with other shrimp or temporarily stun their prey
5. Shrimp are omnivorous. Shrimp typically consume microscopic plant & animal matter by filtering the water around them or sifting through the ocean floor. Certain types of shrimp  also catch & eat small fish.
6. Shrimp are important of their ecosystem. Shrimp are an important source of food for many crabs., fish, sea urchins. whales, dolphins & sea birds. Some species of shrimp also have a symbiotic with-fish & clean parasites, Bacteria & fungi ; off their host.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Tortoises factsFact

Fact 1.  The shell of tortoises is prepared from 60 different bones that are all connected to each

Fact 2. The top part of the shell is called the carapace & the shell is called the plaston. The carapace& the underside are connected by a bridge. Tortoises retract their limbs into their shell to protect themselves from predators.

Fact 3. They have strong horny mouths & no teeth. Tortoises do not have flippers & live entirely above water. They have good eyesight & Excellent sense of smell.

Fact 4. Tortoises are cold-blooded & generally diurnal. They drew heat from the environment to get warm & walk on land with their round & stumpy feet. 

Fact 5. They have the same lifespan as humans & some tortoises can live from 90- 150 years.

Fact 6. Tortoises are herbivores & eat mainly grass, ferns,fruits, flowers & tree leaves.

Fact 7. The female is generally larger than the male in most of the species. Females dig nesting burrows in which to lay 1-30 eggs.

Fact 8. A Tortoises has four legs & a shell that is joined the sides. The tails of the male tortoises are longer than of the female tortoises.

Fact  9. They store their sperm & produce fertile eggs. Three years after the last mating fem ales lay 2-12 eggs in deep holes & leave. They hatching takes 90 -120 days to incubate.

Fact 10. Tortoises hibernate darning winter moths & go through a period of starvation to empty their stomachs before hibernating. 

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Hippopotamus facts

1. Hippo's can't swim or float! They walk or stand on surface  below the water like sandbanks. Even so, they spend most of the day in water to protect the sensitive skin from the sun.

2. The secrete an oily red substance that acts as a moisturizer , sunblock & protects them from germs. This also makes them look like they are sweating blood. 

3. Although hippo's can hold their breathe for approximately seven minutes; most adult hippo's resurfaces every three to five minutes to breathe. This is an automatic pro less even sleeping hippo surface to breathe without waking.
4. Hippo's can close their nostrils &ears to prevent  water from entering. This is way hippo calves can suckle on land or wander water.

5. An open mouth is not a yarn but rather assign to warn you off .You will only see hippo  'yawning ' while in the water because the are only territorial while in the water. You will also hear' honking '& 'grunting ' which how they mark their territory.

6. A hippo's can live for up to 40 years.

7. Hippo's usually come out of the water for four to five hours at night graze & can cover up to 10 km in this time their diet consists of grass & their graze using muscular lips.

8. The hippo 's is considered one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. & it is highly aggressive .Arfticularly. it you get between it & the water. Their canine teeth ( sharp teeth) are used for fighting. 

9. The hippo's closet living relatives are whales & Porpoises.

10. The Hippopotamus is the thrid largest land mammal after the elephant & White rhino.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Kangaroo facts

 1. The red kangaroo is the largest kangaroo & is as tall as your dad. There are also tiny kangaroo small enough to fit it your hand. Over 50 kangaroo species live in Australia.

2. Some kangaroos climb & live in forests , woodlands & field kangaroos can even be found in suburban yards parks & on golf courses,

3. Kangaroo mothers are called :does" they usually have one baby at a time. The babies called a :joey" are tiny when they are born. they crawl in mom's pouch & stay there for up to 13 months.

4. Kangaroos live in groups of mobs. They communicate with each other by hissing, punching or growling sometimes they groom each other.

5. Kangaroos live 5 to 7 years in the wild.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Koala Facts

1. Koalas  found in the eucalyptus forests of eastern Australia. They  have grey fur with a cream-coloured chest, & strong, clawed feet, perfect for living in the branches of trees.

2. Cuddly critters, Koalas measure about 60 cm to 85 cm long & weigh about 14 kg.

3. Although you may have heard people call them koalas bears; these awesome animals aren't bears at all-they are in fact marsupials. A group of mammals , most marsupials have pouches where their newborns develop.

4.  When an infant koala-called a joey-is born, it immediately climbs up to its mother's pouch blind & ear less, a joey uses its strong sense of touch & smell, as well as natural instinct, to find its way.

5. A joey grows & develope in the pouch for about six months.  once strong enough , the youngster rides around its mother's back for a futher six months, only using the pouch to feed.

6. koala grow up to become big eaters, shifting up to one kilogram of eucalyptus leaves in a day! They are fussy too, & will select the most nutritious & Tastiest leaves & from the trees where they live.

7, These magnificent mammals get their name form an Aboriginal term meaning,: No drink: it's believed this is because koalas get almost al their moisture from the leaves they eat & rarely drink water.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Panda facts

1. Scientific name for a panda is Ailuropoda Melanoleuca.

2. Pandas are mammals.

3. Pandas are in the bear family.

4. Unlike other bears pandas do not hibernate.

5. Pandas are often referred to a Giant panda.

6. The Chinese word for panda is  DA Xiong Mao meaning bear cat.

7. Panda are black & white with black circles around their eyes.

8. A pandas skin is two different colors, they skin under is black fur is dark. While the skin under the white fur is pink.

9. Pandas are shy & often keep themselves.  They stay away from people.

10. Pandas have great eyes sight.

11.Pandas like to climb trees.

12. Pandas live in the bamboo. They will sometimes eat shoots, leaves, stalks & berries.

13. pandas spend around 12 hours a day eating bamboo.

14. Pandas main food source is bamboo.

15.  They have  a strong jaw bone  & teeth to help them crunch the bamboo.

16. Pandas live in the bamboo forests of western china.

17. Pandas have five fingers on each hand and a wrist bone that acts like a thumb to help them hold & eat the bamboo.

18. A male Panda is called a boar & can weigh 175-250 pounds.

19. A female pandas are called sows & can weigh 150-230 pound.

20. Pandas are 2-3 feet & 6-5 feet long

21. A baby panda is called a cub & are 3-4 ounces when born.

22. Mom pandas often hold the cubs a cradling them in their arms like human moms would do with their baby.

23. Babies are born hairless their hair fully grows in when they are around 3 months old.

24. Babies are born with their eyes closed. The open in 6-8 weeks.

25. When babies are 7 months old they can climb trees.

26. Baby pandas are clumsy! They often trip, fall , roll over while exploring their surroundings.

27. Pandas live between 15 -20 years in the wild & over 30 in captivity.

28. Pandas are endangered species.

29. The main threat to pandas as is loss of habitat. Many Bamboo forests are cut down to make room for farming.

30. Scientists in china are working on conservation measures to save the pandas.

31. Panda is the symbol of peace in china.

Sunday, August 6, 2017


fun facts about Jellyfish

1. Jellyfish existed long before us or even the dinosaurs. then have been in the oceans for around 650 million years.

2. The Phialella zappai  goldfish is named  after us composer/ guitarist Frank Zappa \.

3. The earliest record use of the word "jellyfish " in English was in 1707.

4. the largest jellyfish ever found was a lion's mane jellyfish with diameter of 7 ft & 6 in  & 120 ft long tentacles.

5. A group of jellyfish is called a bloom, swarm or smack.

6. if a jellyfish is cut in two pieces can regenerate and create two new jellyfish .

7 Jellyfish & cucumbers are both  95 percent water.

8 Jellyfish do not have brains but instead have nerve nets which detect environmental changes in coordinate the animals respones.

9 In many languages the word for jellyfish is medusa after the mythological Gorgon medusa whose snakes for hair suggested jellyfish tentacles.

10 Colonies of jellyfish are either all male or all female both sexes release both sperms & Eggs.

Bengal Tigers

Bengal Tiger Facts

1. Bengal Tigers can grow up to be 3.2 meters long & weigh up to 325 kg making them the second largest subspecies of tigers.

2. These tigers live in forests by themselves & need large areas with lots of pray to thrive .

3 they catch large mammals; including Samba, Chitals, Gaurs, Buffalo, wild boar, takis & barasingna . there have also been rare examples of them attacking Indian Rhinoceroses & Asian Elephants.

4. Bengal Tigers are the national animals or India & Bangladeshi. .

5. Bengal Tigers are endangered their maybe less then 3,000 left in the world.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Siamese cats

Siamese cats are actually quite lovable cats.

1 blue for a reason- these beautiful blue eyes that Siamese cats have didn't just happen by chance.

2 didn't you hear me- These kittens are known for having a voice & not being shy whatsoever about showing it.

3 I really need you- this is by no means an independent breed & they do not do well in an environment where there will be left home alone on a routine basis

4 Careful, I'm sensitive- As a newborn kitten, all purebred Siamese enter the world entirely white, their distinctive  marking being to developed (around 4 weeks of age) due to  a gene in their bodies that is sensitive.

5 I hear you loud & clear- Unlike most blue- eyed cats that carry recessive traits & are prone to hearing issues, the blue-eyed siamese have not been reported as to having any issues with hearing.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Killer Whales

Killer whales are the top predator in the world's oceans.

Scientists consider them to be smarter then chimpanzees.

The scientific name of the killer whale is Orcinus  Orca.

"Orca   Orcinus " is derived from the name orcus , one of roman gods of the netherworld who punished  evildoers- a fitting name for ocean's most fearsome predator.

Killer whale is not a fish. It's is a marine mammal. However, it is not a whale .

It is in fact a dolphin in & the largest dolphin to boot.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Bottle-nose Dolphin facts

    You see dolphins in aquariums, sea parks, TV shows & movies.

Bottle-nose  Dolphins are widely  recognized marine mammals.

Bottle- nose  dolphins habitat is tropical oceans, coastal populations entering into bays,estuaries & river mouths.

Bottle- nose Dolphins body measures are around 2-4 m (6-12 ft) long & weigh 135-650 kg (300-1400 lbs).

Male bottle-nos dolphins are significantly longer then female bottle-nose dolphins.

Bottle-nose dolphins swim speeds are up to 35 km/h & (22 mph) & dive as deep as 915 m (300 ft)

dolphins can hold their breathe up to 7 minutes.

Dolphins exhale at 160 km/ hr  (100 mph) when they inhale the exchange up to 80% of their lungs & humans by comparison only exchange 17% of the air in their lungs when they breathe.

Dolphins can never fully sleep & one side of their brains must always be active so that they remember to breathe.

Thursday, February 2, 2017


Morgan loved to run around and make me laugh and give me kisses too.

He was my foster kitten two years back.

He was a orange and white kitten but he was mostly orange.

he loved to lay on my brother Jack.

Morgan had such the sweet kisses but his ton  felt like sand paper.

Morgan was one of the kittens I wanted to keep at first but then after he meow  a lot I got annoyed with him.

He was good little kitten though.


Poe is a all gray cat  my family took her mom in off the streets when I was in third grade.

She as a lot of fur but with all her fur it makes her look like a kitten even though she is a 11 year old cat now.

Poe is super sweet and when you put her she meows to let you know she likes it when you put her.

Poe is such a loving cat.

I'm happy to call her family everyday of my life and so is the rest of my family.

She loves with two dogs named Merrin and Moxie and two other cats name Abernathy And Nick Frost

Poe loves to cuddle on everyone in my family's lap and she also loves to cuddle with Abernathy and Nick Frost too.

I love Poe with all my heart .